General Policies

My Expectations

  1. Actively participate in class activities to the best of your abilities
  2. Give attention to whomever is addressing the class as a whole
  3. Support the work of your classmates


Students should spend time reading books, listening to audio books or podcasts, or other related reading activities outside of class every day. This allows students to expand vocabulary, practice reading fluency, learn about the world, and discover new interests. Students may also choose to spend time on certain class assignments outside of class, which may include student-directed projects and papers.

Due Dates

Assignments will have clearly defined due dates. Students will be expected to turn in their assignments by the deadline. I reserve the right to modify the deadline based on student needs.

Electronic Devices

Chromebooks are available in the classroom for student use. Students are expected to use the available devices responsibly and follow all Acceptable Use policies set forth by the school. Personal electronic devices are against school policy and will be taken from the student.

Online Etiquette

Students are expected to foster digital citizenship in our online environment, interacting with others online in a safe and civil manner. Using an online platform for learning is an avenue for developing information literacy and collaborative skills. For a brief look at online etiquette, watch Brandman University’s explainer on online etiquette.