First of all, welcome to!

I, Mr. Rozelle, set up this website to accompany your student’s learning. You can come here whenever you want to get in touch with me, check in on due dates, and find out more about your student’s class. Taking some time with the website is a great first step to get this school year started right!

Now, I want you to know a few things that will make your time here both interesting and beneficial.

  1. Check out my General Policies. This page outlines what you and your student should know about homework, due dates, and online etiquette for this class.
  2. Visit Google Classroom often. You will be able to see the learning that takes place in this class (sometimes in real time!) whenever you please using the password provided to you. Not only will you be able to check on your student’s academic progress, you will be able to see the actual artifacts that prove this progress.
  3. Stay in touch with me. Good communication is essential for your student’s success in this course. You may email or call me (see syllabus).

That’s it! Now it is time to log in to your class.

– Mr. Rozelle